Category Archives: by Robert L. McClarin, Brierley & Partners

Bonus Points: Three Common Program Mistakes Loyalty strategists know that bonus point opportunities can be a great way to drive traffic, lift frequency, improve basket size, or celebrate key relationship-building milestones. As Brierley + Partners evaluates loyalty programs or consults with prospective clients, we see loyalty programs tend to make one of three common mistakes in their eagerness to deliver value for their Members and ‘move the needle’ on sales for their companies. The three mistakes or misuses of bonus point events are: Misaligned Goals to Structure, Messaging Missed Opportunities, and Overuse. So, let’s break down each of these mistakes and talk about remedies. Misaligned Goals To Structure The first misstep Brierley sees most often with loyalty programs is the misalignment of goals to how the bonus offer is ‘structured.’ Let me give you an example: Company X decided to run a 2X Points Bonus for Members during a traditionally…

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